Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Plastic water bottle leaches chemical

Goodbye plastic water bottles...hello stainless steel or glass!

I've been writing stories about a controversial chemical, BPA, found in hard, plastic re-fillable water bottles, baby bottles and even the lining of cans for several years now.

Numerous animal & human studies show Bisphenol A (BPA) has been linked to reproductive problems (mimics estrogen), increase heart disease and diabetes risk.

But this new Harvard study motivated me to finally buy a $20 dollar, 40 ounce stainless steel water bottle. (I bought mine at Whole Foods...but I've seen them at Target & Walgreens--just make sure the inside is stainless steel)

The new study from Harvard School of Public Health is the first to show that Bisphenol A found in those popular, hard plastic re-fillable bottles and baby bottles leaches into the food or drink in the container even when NOT heated.

You can read Harvard study here:

Check your plastic containers. Many plastic bottles have a number on the bottom. Avoid #7 which most likely contains BPA. According to the non-profit, consumer advocacy group, Environmental Working Group, safer choices include #1, #2, & #4.
Or do what I did... invest in a stainless steel water bottle and buy simple clear glasses to use at home.

Here's an article I wrote about how to cutdown on your BPA exposure.