Tuesday, May 25, 2010

HEATHER'S BLOG: I'm pregnant!

It's official! Mike and I are having a baby! We're almost 5 months into pregnancy and we STILL can't believe we're having a baby girl!

We have been married long enough (10 years!) to see our friends and family go through the major transformation that comes with starting a family. We have been dragging our feet for years.
I wanted to get healthy (I had a melanoma scare in my 20's), we commuted for a while and we really enjoyed just hanging out together.

We travelled a lot, invested in our careers but at the end of the day, we realized the close relationship we have with our parents would never be passed on unless we had a family of our own.

I'm not sure we're ready (are you ever really ready?) but we are really excited!

(Disclaimer: cute baby below is not mine. Mine will have much thicker eyebrows!)

Having a baby is all about change... so I am trying to keep a flexible attitude about EVERYTHING!

As I take this journey, I hope you'll share your baby experiences too (I'm still not sure about where to give birth--just one out of a million questions I still have...).

I am going to BLOG along the way on Heather's Natural Health. That's my webpage where I share how eating clean simple foods, cutting down on exposure to everyday chemicals and finding simple solutions to stay healthy have dramatically changed my life.

So it's probably no surprise that one of my 2010 New Year's resolutions was to try acupuncture.
I figured it could only help reduce stress, increase blood flow and help me figure out WHEN I actually ovulate--something I've never really been able to do.

This is the first time we have "actively" tried to get pregnant. Listen to how crazy this sounds...

I went to see licensed acupuncturist, Carolyn Huffman/Huffman Wellness in South Tampa back in January. She specializes in fertility.
Part of her treatment plan includes nutrition counseling (cutting out caffeine, alcohol and processed foods for at least 3 months. I had to say goodbye to my afternoon shot of coffee) and learning how to chart your cycle.

Every morning she asked me to take my temperature and record it on this chart. I had two acupuncture sessions a week, for two weeks in a row. She helped me figure out when the "time" was right.

I don't like to take herbs (for several reasons--they're usually imported from China or India where lead contamination is a concern, there's no third party independent testing or FDA regulation, and I like to know what I put into my body) but I must admit, she convinced me to give some a try.

You can imagine my surprise when I starting to see my temperature climb after just two weeks!!
I took four pregnancy tests in a row and they all said the same thing-PREGNANT!

Now of course, my husband maintains this has more to do with him than acupuncture (absolutely!) but I have continued to have acupuncture treatments and I am still amazed to say, I had NO MORNING SICKNESS--ZIPPO, NOTHING at all. I didn't call in sick to work once.

I have more energy than I've ever expected and the needle she places in my stomach to help with "digestion" has worked wonders!

I have to be honest... I entered into this plan skeptical. As a former investigative journalist that's just my nature, but I am completely convinced that there is a reason acupuncture is used by many cultures and has been around for 3,000 years.

Here's my only disclaimer: make sure you see an OB/GYN to confirm you don't have any serious underlying problems. Click here to make sure your acupunturist is licensed by the state and see if your insurance covers it (my in-network price is $50 a session) and if you decide to try acupuncture, it's recommended that you stick with it for at least 3 months.

Over the next few months, I'll BLOG about where to find a good deal on maternity clothes (not easy!) the natural way to keep your skin clear and any other interesting tips I find along the way.

I hope you will share your advice too!  I have a lot to learn! Thanks to some great girlfriends, my idea of a "natural birth" is out the window right now.

Please email any story ideas to: hvannest@10connects.com.
Congratulations to those of you expecting too!

I applaud all of the great mommies out there who are tackling the toughest (and most rewarding) job in the world!

Here we go...