Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Newborns and BPA: Why it's more important than ever for pregnant women to avoid synthetic estrogens

A first of its kind study suggests babies are first exposed to a controversial, synthetic chemical, Bisphenol A while developing in the womb.

Independent tests paid for by a non-profit consumer advocacy group, the Environmental Working Group, found 9 out of 10 randomly selected newborns from around the country, had the synthetic estrogen, BPA, in their umbilical cord blood.

*EWG found up to 232 toxic chemicals in newborns

The controversial plastics-hardening chemical can be found in:

-Sippy cups

-Plastic polycarbonate bottles (avoid #7)

-Lining of canned food and soda cans (canned soup and pasta had highest levels)

-Infant formula cans (Enfamil had highest levels out of 20 popular brands tested by FDA/EWG)

-Dozens of household items including CDs

Click here to see how to cut down on your exposure to BPA

Click here to see how to lower your child's exposure

BPA exposure has been linked to reproductive problems, cancer, obesity and neurological/behavioral issues.

In November, Consumers Union/Consumer Reports reported that children eating several servings of canned food could get enough BPA at levels that cause harm in animal studies.

Many groups including the American Medical Association, Consumer Reports and the Endocrine Society (14,000 medical researchers from 100 countries) are concerned that even low doses can cause problems. They want the government to lower our exposure. The FDA has maintained it is safe.

The move outraged critics who pointed out that the FDA came to that conclusion after reviewing only studies paid for by the chemical industry.

The FDA agreed to issue a new BPA evaluation November 30th 2009. I'll let you know as soon as it happens.

Meanwhile, EWG and others want congress to pass the Kid Safe Chemicals Act that would force chemical companies to prove their chemicals are safe BEFORE they are sold.

The chemical industry insists BPA is safe and
according to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has unleashed a massive public relations campaign.

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