Rainy weekends are good for cleaning out closets, & kitchens! Somehow I ended up with 8 bags of stuff that I am going to donate or toss because it's outdated! I can't get over all the expired canned food (a lot of beans & pasta I MEANT to eat, but they ended up in the back of my pantry for a reason!)
Speaking of canned food, did you know many of our canned foods are lined with BPA? It's a chemical that mimics estrogen...
I've found one brand that does not use BPA in its can liners...
Eden Organics does not use Bisphenol A, a chemical in plastic that mimics estrogen.
The FDA is expected to review scientific studies on BPA and release its findings (previous "findings" included input from the chemical industry).
In the meantime, if you want to lower your BPA exposure (estrogen receptive breast cancer runs in my family. I don't need anymore estrogen!) check out my story in Heather's Hot Topics. See why it's especially important to make sure your kids cut down their exposure.
Have a great day!